Bandcamp Friday for Ukraine

Bandcamp Friday, a day where the platform waives it’s payment fees and 100% go to the musicians and labels is here once again. This time I’ve decided to donate any sales I get to United Help Ukraine in an effort to do something.

I feel very uncomfortable taking up space on social media to promote anything at the best of times but at least this way I feel it’s valid.

I have a lot of albums, singles, live recordings and EP’s on Bandcamp and I’m also discounting the option to buy the complete catalogue of over 80 releases by 75%.

I certainly don’t have a lot of money but I seem to have made a lot of music - please head over to my Bandcamp page and pick up something if you can.

Thanks everyone,



Recent Playlists


'I Was In The North Before The Fall' (Speicher, Husum 25/09/21)